on August 31, 2013
Audrey Ramirez (Atlantis: Lost Empire)
Animated . Cosplay . Fantasy . Movies/TVDebuted: Kumoricon 2013 My first convention cosplay after my hiatus, so I decided to start with something simple and recognizable – Audrey Ramirez from Atlantis: Lost Empire. It was one of my favorite Disney movies at the time and I liked that I’d get to make a pair of vintage style overalls. I patterned her

on July 17, 2008
Angelina Johnson Quidditch Robes (Harry Potter: Prizoner of Azkaban)
Cosplay . Fantasy . Movies/TVDebuted: 2008 I love Harry Potter. So I absolutely wanted to make quidditch robes to wear to future Harry Potter screenings and decided on the style from Prisoner of Azkaban. As Angelina Johnson was described as having braids (and one of the few black characters), I decided to cosplay as her, since I also had