Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Anime . Cosplay . FantasyDebuted: Sakuracon 2014 Anthy was a true test of my skills as I didn’t often make ballgowns. However, I’ve always loved her Rose Bride dress, so I had to make it happen for Sakuracon. I patterned and constructed her jacket and skirt from scratch. I also made an additional layer to my crinoline underskirt for

Jane Crocker (Homestuck)
Comics . Cosplay . FantasyDebuted: Newcon 2013 Continuing my Homestuck cosplays with Jane Crocker in her Crocker Tier outfit. I picked her because she was one of the older characters and had a fun and comfy outfit. Plus, I love the color red. I patterned her tunic, pants and hood from scratch and they were constructed in red flannel,

Audrey Ramirez (Atlantis: Lost Empire)
Animated . Cosplay . Fantasy . Movies/TVDebuted: Kumoricon 2013 My first convention cosplay after my hiatus, so I decided to start with something simple and recognizable – Audrey Ramirez from Atlantis: Lost Empire. It was one of my favorite Disney movies at the time and I liked that I’d get to make a pair of vintage style overalls. I patterned her

Meenah Piexes (Homestuck)
Comics . Cosplay . FantasyDebuted: 2012 One of my first cosplays after my hiatus was to cosplay my fave fish queen – Meenah Piexes for Halloween. I loved her personality, her puns, and the fact that she was a Pisces. Her costume was actually quite simple – a thrifted shirt and pants with the symbol handpainted on using fabric

Angelina Johnson Quidditch Robes (Harry Potter: Prizoner of Azkaban)
Cosplay . Fantasy . Movies/TVDebuted: 2008 I love Harry Potter. So I absolutely wanted to make quidditch robes to wear to future Harry Potter screenings and decided on the style from Prisoner of Azkaban. As Angelina Johnson was described as having braids (and one of the few black characters), I decided to cosplay as her, since I also had